
Teaching Your Kid To Be A Life-Long Learner

Beyond Academics: What Else Will Your Child Learn at Preschool?

Preschool helps young children learn early literacy skills, basic math concepts, and even some simple science. Right? Of course. But that's not all. When you send your little learner off to Pre-K, she's developing skills that will prepare her for kindergarten. Even though she'll need some academic knowledge, she will also need to develop in other areas. Check out what not-so-academic ways an early-childhood education can do to get your child ready for kindergarten.

Taking Turns

Taking turns is a major social skill that young children often struggle with. It requires self-control, the ability for the child to regulate emotions, and a basic understanding of social norms. As your child goes through her preschool day, she'll need to wait and take turns while playing with toys, getting water from the drinking fountain, or using outdoor playground equipment. She can take this skill with her to kindergarten, showing off her patience and ability to control her emotions when it comes to sharing with other children.

Walking in a Line

It seems simple. Lining up single file and walking from here to there. But, for a child who has never done it, walking in a line is a strange and confusing concept. The kindergarten teacher announces, "Line up!" when it's recess time. Your former preschooler will understand what she means and stand by the door in her place. Children who don't have this experience may run out of the room or push and shove to get to the front. Keep in mind, an activity such as "lining up" isn't something that any child just knows how to do. It's learned over time.

Listening to the Teacher

Children are used to listening to their parents. Mom or dad tells them to go outside and play or come back inside, and they know what to do. When it comes to school, some children may not translate this ability to the educational environment. Going to preschool introduces young children to the teacher-student dynamic. It gives your child the chance to get to know who a teacher is, what they do, and how to act around them.

Asking Questions

Not only do children learn how to listen to a teacher, but they begin to understand how, when, and why to ask questions. Okay, so most children have the ability to ask questions perfectly fine on their own, but in preschool they learn how to ask behavior-related questions. This might mean asking the teacher before leaving the room to get a drink of water or asking when the class is going outside to play (instead of demanding to go outside).

Your child is learning every day at preschool. Along with reading, writing, and other academics, she's also developing social skills that will carry on into kindergarten and the rest of her educational career. Talk to a preschool such as Country Day School to learn about other benefits of preschool. 

About Me

Teaching Your Kid To Be A Life-Long Learner

When my child started school, I could tell that she was naturally adverse to working hard in class. She didn't seem interested, and she was always asking how long she would have to be in school before she could quit. I realized that I needed to do my part to teach her to love learning, so I talked with her about the importance of attending school and working hard. It was hard for her to understand the issues with dropping out at first, but eventually she grew to love her studies. This blog is all about teaching your child to be a life-long learner.
