
Teaching Your Kid To Be A Life-Long Learner

4 Signs Your Child Could Benefit From A Tutor

Nearly every child has some point during their education in which they face challenges at school. Very rare are the children who fly through each grade with excellent scores and little difficulty. If your child is currently dealing with academic difficulties, they aren't alone. The good news is there are steps you can take to help your child through this difficult time. One of the most effective strategies may be tutoring. A tutor can work one-on-one with your child and give them personalized instruction they may not be receiving at school. Here are a few signs that tutoring could be a good strategy for your child:

Slipping grades. The most obvious sign that your child needs help is a decline in their grades and test scores. That's especially true if you see a slide in subjects in which they were once strong. Sometimes kids who were strong readers in first or second grade find the tasks in higher grades to be too challenging. Or they may simply be struggling to pick up new concepts. A tutor can focus his or her attention on those problem areas to get the grades back up to where they should be.

Frustration with homework. Most kids don't enjoy homework. However, if your child's homework time devolves into a complete meltdown, there may be other issues at play. They may resist doing homework because they don't understand the topic or they don't grasp the instructions. While it may help in the short-term for you to assist with that assignment, they may need more focused attention from someone who is experienced with teaching that particular subject.

Also, tutors will often work on homework with the student during the tutoring session. The homework serves as a great tool for teaching. If your tutor helps with homework, that could alleviate some of the pressure and frustration in your home each evening.

Lack of confidence. Does your child argue with you about going to school every day? Is he or she having behavior problems that are disruptive for the class? There are many kids who will act out when they feel insecure about their own abilities. If you're child is struggling with disruptive behavior, the real underlying cause could be that they don't have confidence in their abilities in the classroom. A tutor can help them regain that confidence.

Limited time for parent involvement. It would be great if you could help your child with their homework and studying every night. Unfortunately, that's not always possible. You may have obligations with work or with your other children that prevent you from doing so. If that's the case, a tutor can help fill in the gap. Your busy schedule doesn't mean your child has to fall behind. Consider hiring a tutor ensure that your child gets the support he or she needs.

For more information, contact tutors in your area. They can help you determine if tutoring is right for your child.  

About Me

Teaching Your Kid To Be A Life-Long Learner

When my child started school, I could tell that she was naturally adverse to working hard in class. She didn't seem interested, and she was always asking how long she would have to be in school before she could quit. I realized that I needed to do my part to teach her to love learning, so I talked with her about the importance of attending school and working hard. It was hard for her to understand the issues with dropping out at first, but eventually she grew to love her studies. This blog is all about teaching your child to be a life-long learner.
